
Бакалавр наук в области кибербезопасности

24 месяца
Цена по запросу у организатора
Курс завершен
Описание курса

The Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity program helps students obtain the knowledge needed for careers in cybersecurity. The cybersecurity bachelor’s degree covers topical areas that deal with cybersecurity management, incident response, and security threat assessment, which requires students to be creators of knowledge and inventors of processes, not merely users of information. Additionally, with this online cybersecurity bachelor’s degree, students will receive instruction in leadership and management to help them prepare to assume managerial and executive positions in the industry.

Для кого курс

Students requesting admission to undergraduate degree programs shall:

  • Have earned an Associate’s degree or foreign equivalent from an appropriately accredited institution that is listed in the International Handbook of Universities, accredited by an agency recognized by the US Secretary of Education, and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
  • Submit proof of a high school diploma or foreign equivalent.
  • Have a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.0.
  • Have completed a college-level English and Math class with a grade of C or higher.
  • Demonstrate proof of English proficiency.
Программа курса…

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