
Scrum для Agile-управления проектами

1 месяц
В любое время
Описание курса

Learn the project management processes, roles, mechanics, and philosophies behind Scrum, the simplest and most pure approach to managing work at the team level.

What you’ll learn:

— Why Agile is taking over: history, case studies, and proof Agile works better

— Who uses Agile based on industry scale, stakeholders, and engineering

— How to run a successful Scrum team for speed, innovation, leadership, and control

— Scrum team makeup, user story writing, sprint planning, execution, and retro tools

— What Scrum looks like at scale, its alternatives, and how to avoid pitfalls over time

Программа курса
  • Week 1: The first week starts with Why agile methods are used — based on case studies that prove its effectiveness and the history of getting to Scrum.
  • Week 2: The second week explores Who uses agile across industries, exploring the types of work management and how Scrum Agile fits into the world of work.
  • Week 3: The third week gets into the mechanics of Scrum and How Scrum is performed and executed. Here you’ll learn team formation, planning and retro games, and how to effectively manage work to meet Sprint objectives.
  • Week 4: The last week pivots to look at what Scrum looks like at Scale, and how it differs from other Agile frameworksin terms ofscale, program and portfolio management, risk management, and pitfalls of Agile
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