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Программа гранта…Hi! Did you want to chat? On what subject? If you want to participate in the #DONATE1$+ charity event, we will be very grateful to you.Whatever questions you have, I“ll tell you more. I love my daughter very much. And as most loving parents probably do, their child is the most talented I think that my child”s talent manifests itself in the ability to feel music very deeply. And this is reflected in her vocal performance of any song that she performs. As for the range of her voice, it is still average. As I said, she needs a professional voice teacher, whose services we can’t pay for in full. So I organized a charity event to support her talent This is the collection of funds that are fully spent on the development of creative abilities of the child, on the implementation of his creative projects .Katya participated in many competitions, where she won prizes and the Grand Prix.Many professional musicians in the jury spoke about the outstanding abilities of the girl and the need for more professional training. We accept money transfers in a convenient way for you to e-wallets: #Donate1$: PayPal : [email protected]

#DonateToTalent : WebMoney : Z524906493827

#GrantToTalent : QiWi : 89963972587

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